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Homeschool Drop-off Program

Financial Literacy Homeschool Drop-off Program:

Date: August 12, 2024 - November 8, 2024

Choose Your Day: Mon, Tues, Wed, or Thurs

Choose Your Drop-off Time: 9:00 AM or 11:30 AM

Tour Our Facility on the weekends in July

Department of Transportation Physical Card Certification Logo
American Heart Association Certifications Logo

Program Objective

As parents, we are constantly seeking the best educational opportunities for our children—Diapers 2 Deposits Homeschool Drop-off Program nurtures their personal finance growth but also supports their social, emotional, and personal development. 


To provide elementary kids with a fun and interactive experience that teaches them the basics of financial literacy through engaging games, reading, videos, lessons, and activities. And to give work from home moms and home school parents a break.

Art Class
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Parent Handbook

Click on the image to the right and review our Parent Handbook


Tour Our Facility:

July 29, 2024

July 30, 2024

July 31, 2024

August 1, 2024

August 2, 2024


Come in a view our office, class, and homeschool drop-off location. Sign our Parent Handbook. Chat with our teachers.


*We do not accept sick children. Please reschedule your drop off day if you or anyone in your home is sick.

Handbook Coverpage (1).png
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Class Schedule

0-15 minutes: Welcome and Morning Meeting

15-30 minutes: Reading and Discussion

30-45 minutes: Financial Literacy Lesson

45-60 minutes: Money Activity or Game

60-75 minutes: Snack and Brain Break

75-105 minutes: Parent Assigned Work (any subject)

105-120 minutes: Wrap-Up and Clean-up


*Homeschool Drop-off Program is limited. Only 8 slots per session.*

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What does my $99 monthly membership include?

2-hour class session. All financial literacy activities and games. One guaranteed slot per week.


Do you provide snacks?



Do you complete a background check for your staff and who do you hire?

  We hire teachers, school staff, and college students. Everyone is required to be fingerprinted before joining our team.


What is Parent Assigned Work?

  This is any work you need your homeschooler to work on. It could be pages in a book your homeschooler needs to complete or an online course they need to sign into. 

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Our Partners:

Agoge Project Baltimore
FFT Logo v9 (1).png
Montgomery County Recreation
GCFLF Logo GTG_edited.jpg

Approved Vendor for:

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