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Making Financial Literacy Fun! Logo Puzzles


Students will have a blast learning blue chip stocks by assembling a logo puzzle.

Materials Needed:

  • Money puzzle sheets (pre-cut or printed)

  • Glue sticks or tape

  • Scissors

  • Enthusiastic spirit and a sense of adventure!


Start by discussing the importance of saving and investing money and recognizing the risks associated with investing. Explain that they will be embarking on a "Blue Chip Puzzle Challenge" to become Blue Chip experts and, hopefully, one day can invest their money into some of these blue chip stocks.

Activity Steps:

1. Create Your Money Puzzle Sheets:

Have your child research a list of Blue Chip stocks. Choose companies they are familiar with and teach new companies. Add the company logos to the provided puzzles.

2. Decode the Puzzle:

Explain their mission is to arrange the scattered pieces and reveal the correct logo. Each correctly assembled puzzle will represent a blue chip stock. After placing the pieces in the right order, students should use glue sticks or tape to secure them onto a separate sheet of paper. This will create a complete logo puzzle.

3. Discuss and Share:

Discuss investing risk of investing, and reinforce their understanding of blue chip stocks:

  • What did you enjoy most about the Blue Chip Puzzle Challenge?

  • Which logo was the trickiest to identify?


Celebrate the students' achievements and newfound knowledge of blue chip stocks. This engaging activity turns learning about blue chip stocks into a hands-on, enjoyable experience, making it memorable for the students.

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